The Ultimate Virtual Analog Channel Strip

An Audio Engineer’s
Mixing Paradise
Virtual Mix Rack is our award-winning plugin ecosystem that serves as an all-in-one hub for some of the most authentic digital recreations of analog hardware ever made. Make your perfect channel strip by selecting modules from the vast collection of legendary EQs, compressors, gates, saturators, and more—tailor it exactly to your needs and tastes.
Mixing Made Easy
For You
Whether you’re new to mixing or a seasoned pro, Virtual Mix Rack is the indispensable tool for achieving superior mixes. You can start by loading preset chains from our specially curated library or assemble your own custom chains through the intuitive drag-and-drop interface. Once you find or create your favorites, you can save them as Dream Strips so they’re just one click away.

Effortless Preset Exploration
Get the fast results you want using VMR’s new Discovery Preset Browser. Pulled from an online library of presets, this ever-growing collection can be quickly searched and filtered by instrument type, genre, author, and more. Scroll the available presets and get an immediate overview of the modules in the chain and the author’s intended use.
Precision at Every Turn
The new VMR 3 presets include pre-mapped Macro Controls which give you immediate control over the chain. Each knob is purpose-named to give you a clear description on what it does so you don’t have to experiment with all the knobs in the chain. You can also create Macro Controls to super-power your own chains.

Complete Side-Chain Control
Virtual Mix Rack integrates completely with your DAW by supporting external side-chain input. Control VMR’s dynamics processors from other channels in your project to create the perfect harmony between instruments…even with devices that never had side-chain inputs of their own.
Key Updates
Preset Browser: Quickly find the perfect purpose-built channel strip for your instrument or genre. New presets being added all the time.
Macro Controls: Automate multiple parameters simultaneously for complex sound adjustments from a single knob. Put important parameters up front.
Sidechain Input: Precisely control dynamics processing from an external channel, independent from the main audio.
Module Gain Trimming: Achieve seamless gain-staging between modules to maximize signal-to-noise and minimize distortion.
Interface Scaling: Customize the user interface to a preferred size for an optimized mixing experience.
What the Pros Say
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Featured Videos
Mix a Beautiful Beat with VMR 3.0
Beautiful Beats breaks down his mixing approach using VMR 3.0’s latest feature updates.
Mixing Vocals In-the-Box with VMR 3.0
Producer 5PiECE deconstructs his vocal mixing workflow, featuring VMR 3.0’s new Macro controls and more.
Building Better Bass with VMR 3.0
Join Matt from Slate Digital as he shows you how VMR 3.0 and its new Preset Browser makes it easy to find the perfect preset for your track.
Learn from the Experts
From specialized courses taught by industry leaders to plugin tutorials and production tips, the Academy has everything you need.
Pair it With Over 140 Plugins in the
Complete Access Bundle
“With the range of sounds in ANA and the creative control the Kilohearts Bundle brings, Complete Access Bundle gives you everything you need to produce and mix all your music. Add some Slate master processing and you’re really set.”
Chris Lord-Alge
Green Day, Carrie Underwood, Bruce Springsteen
Used daily by some of the biggest names in music
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